Cowgar Family Adventures

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hi...Welcome Back!

To myself that is... My laptop had a charger lost for quite some time, and Luke hogs his other computers a I never really found the time to get on here and update as usual.

September flew by. I'm really not sure if we did anything memorable either :( We had our 4 year anniversary, had the house to ourselves (with kids) for a week while Chris watched Luke's parents' house while they went on vacation. We did go to the Cleveland Airshow over Labor Day weekend.

The big news throughout August/September is that we got the photography business up and running...somewhat. The webpage ( now works, with galleries and pricing. Luke had a couple senior sessions at the beginning of the month that he is almost done editing, and we will see how those go! Unfortunately, we launched at the wrong time. The nice weather is ending, and we are getting super close to Baby #3 being here ( 4 weeks until full-term!!!)

Speaking of baby, everything is going well, I go back on the 22nd, and then we think we may go down to seeing her every week until baby arrives. Heart sounds great, and I'm measuring a week ahead. I am hoping for the 10th, but we shall see I suppose.

We still have so much to do around the house. We have closed off the sunroom as a toy room for the year since it has been so cold, so now it is cluttered with items from our little foyer area just inside the front door. We had to clear it all out because we will be removing a door that goes into our bedroom and making a little coat closet in there, so we are gonna take out a door, slap some paint up on the walls, finish the wood floor and then clutter it back up with coats and yardsale boxes for next year. Then we will be able to work on our bedroom, although I don't think we will be anywhere near done with it by the time the baby comes. We are also steps closer in the bathroom. We need to finish some window trim (prime and paint) and run some caulking around the tile, and the shower will be usable, which will be nice since my Doctor doesn't really recommend a bath after delivering a baby.

I know I've said it the past few times, but one day I will get Luke to get some pictures ready to be put up here. There are tons of miscellaneous ones to go through.

As for a more recent update. Today we went up to Walsh Farms in Doylestown to pick out pumpkins. The kids have been really excited seeing pumpkins of front porches when we drive, but they didn't seem nearly that excited when we went to pick them out. I think they were cold and crabby, and I was too, so they went the the little straw maze a few times, then we picked out one big pumpkin to carve, and they each picked a smaller pumpkin, and then we got teeny tiny ones that we will probably let them paint.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad the pregnancy is moving right along!! I'm sure you can't wait for it to be over : )
