Cowgar Family Adventures

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cousin Cody's Birthday Party!

On Saturday we did a quick stop in Canal Fulton to see our friends' new house they have been working on for weeks! We didn't stay long since Keith was feeling sick, so we headed back to my dad's to pick up my brother and head out to my Aunt and Uncle's place for the birthday bash. The girls were angels, and everyone wanted pictures when Lilly started eating the cake. Cody made out too! I can only hope I get that many presents for my birthday!! It was a full house, with 4 or 5 of his friends over, and all of Taresa's side of the family, and then us. He had a yummy DQ Reese's PB Blizzard ice cream cake. That's my kind of guy. I love ice cream cake!

Here's Cousin Dylan playing ball with Alexis and Lillian.

Here are the girls looking out the living room window watching Uncle Jesse (my brother) doing a flip on the trampoline.

Cody and his new fishing gear.

Cody tearing the paper off his new TV with Aunt Taresa watching.

Lilly devouring her cake.

Lexi being neat and clean with her cake.

Here's the video of Cody blowing out his candles. He blew so fast, I don't know if anyone got a good picture!

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